Sunday 28 December 2014

Caribolakeranjang: Piasau Park Basketball Court, Miri, Sarawak

This court located at Piasau, one of the liveliest basketball court in Miri have players almost everytime either day or night, weekend or weekday. If you looking for some challenge you might prefer come at night because thats the time when most experienced players come to court. For me, I enjoyed both either day or night, just enjoy the game. You might have some difficulties to find this court as it located at middle of  Taman Piasau, but you can ask local around. This area called Piasau Garden Court, or local known as Piasau Court Dalam.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant passes Michael Jordan, moves into 3rd place on NBA scoring list. Keep going legend!

Tuesday Bluess

Banyak mende bermain di fikiran. Ape patot aku blog? macam mana nak blog? boleh ke tukar nama lepas buat? kenapa nak blog? hahaha soalan cepumas. mungkin tempat untuk luahan perasaan mungkin cewahh. rase macam nak blog pasal bola keranjang. layak ke? ehh jap perlu ke layak? Kenapa? simple je. sebab bola keranjang mede yang aku minat gila. dan aku rase ia subjek yang sesuai kalau nak teruskan perjalanan blog ni jangka panjang.