Monday 24 October 2016

Jumping Jacks

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Drill Type:  Conditioning Drill

Purpose: This two-step conditioning drill, while simple, is a great way to toughen your kids up a little bit, and will also show you who your best rebounders are.

Set Up: Have your players form two lines facing the baseline, each a couple of feet away from the basket.

Rebounding Drill
1. Lines will go two at a time
2. Players will throw the ball up high off the backboard, take a step and gather themselves, and jump 
    as high as they can to secure the ball safely with two hands.
3. They should then pass the ball to the next player and go to the back of the line.
4. If you’ve got an older group, this is a good time for them to work on tip ins and put back layups as
5. Once your players are comfortable with the drill, back the line up a little bit.
6. The player at the front of the line will do the same thing, throw it off the backboard and go get it,
    but now, the 2nd player in the line is going to go over his back and attempt to steal the rebound
    from him.

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