Tuesday 7 July 2015

Basketball Tips: 6 Tips to Improve Passing and Reduce Turnovers in Games

Basketball is a team game. By definition, that means all players are involved with the process of playing the game and should function as one. One of the primary skills created to accomplish this is passing. Yet, passing remains one of the most under-taught, under-emphasized, and under drilled skill in the game. So how to improve your passing skill?
  1. Drills to build speed and strength. Using 2-ball passing drills such as Machine Gun Passing, Middle Man Passing, Pass & Switch, and Partner Passing with 2 balls where each partner passes simultaneously will build speed and accuracy. Using drills that force players to use one hand to pass, (such as Pound Passing) especially with their weak hand, will build strength and confidence.
  2. Spacing. This is the most overlooked and possibly the most important aspect of offensive play. Player must know their optimum distance they can effectively pass.
  3. Shorten the pass. As an aspect of spacing, taking a dribble toward a receiver will, in certain instances, improve spacing.
  4. Make the easy pass. There is no need for great passes when ordinary passes will do. Pass to an open teammate, in an area he can catch it, away from the defense. If you cannot do that, don't throw the pass.
  5. Emphasize the catch. While we would all like every pass to be perfect, we all know that will not be the case. The receiver must go where he needs to go to catch the ball. By emphasizing the catch, passers will become more confident and receivers more aggressive.
  6. Scrimmage without dribbles. Nothing will teach players more about spacing, passing angles, getting open, and making effective passes than not allowing them to dribble. Be prepared for some initial frustration.

Shared from breakthroughbasketball.com

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