Thursday 2 July 2015

Events: East Coast Basketball League (ECBL) 2015 Chapter 1 Terengganu Happening Soon!!

The association Persatuan Akar Umbi Terengganu (PAUT) invites the under your supervision to participate in the 1st East Coast Basketball League this coming August. The tournament will be held at Batas Baru Court Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. 

Over 200 players participating from all over Terengganu and the east coast such as, Kota Bharu, Kelantan and Kuantan, Pahang will join this year’s event. All teams are guaranteed at least 4 games in around robin competition format, which begins at 8:00pm Thursday, August 27th and will conclude late in the day on Saturday, September 12th 2015. 

This year’s tournament will feature two divisions, which is advision for Under 18 teams and advision for Select/Premier teams. The number of divisions in each age group and their respective levels of play will depend upon the number and types of teams applying and accepted into the tournament. 

The 2015 team entry fee is RM500.00 and another RM200.00 for the attendance/ disciplinary deposit, which will be refunded after the closing ceremony. Payment of the entry fee must be received by July1, 2015 and be tendered by cash or a cash check. 

All teams must register for the tournament and send the completed application print out in with their proof of payment. Please visit our Facebook for additional information.

Detail Of the competition as follows;

Competition Name: EAST COAST BASKETBALL LEAGUE (ECBL) 2015 Chapter 1 TRG
Organizer: P.A.U.T & RICO LOCO SDN BHD
Location: Batas Baru Court, Kuala Terengganu.
Date: 27th August 2015 @ To be confirmed
Group: Mens Open, 10 - 24 teams

  1. Development Plan - Only open for all Non-Chinese Malaysian (Player that has Malaysia Identity Card), except special invited teams from organizer, which consist of Chinese and Foreign players.
  2. Player qualification: A) Player must be Malaysian. B) Team can only have 1 state player (MABA and Agong Cup player).
  3. One team can only consist of two (2) Chinese players and only one (1) can be on court at a time. The presence of these imports will spice up the game and elevate the game to greater heights.
Rules: Competition will adopt FIBA 2013 rules.
Schedule: Depend on team participation.

First round - grouping, 5 - 6 teams in 1 group. (Round robin)
Each group Top 4 teams advance to second round.

Team Players: Each team only 12 Players, 1 Coach and 1 Team Manager. Players and coach are not allowed to join 2 team at the same time.

Entries Due Date: Before 1st July 2015.
Entry Fees: RM500.00
Deposit: RM300 (*Rules and regulation terms apply)
Contact Mohd Hanif Halim: 016-916 6116
Wan Muhammad Hanafi: 011 1783 5570

Champion: RM900, Trophy and medal
1st Runner Up: RM700 Trophy and medal
2nd Runner Up: RM500 Trophy and medal
4th Place: Trophy and medal
MVP: Throphy
Correspondence email:

Rules and Regulation

  1. Team that unable to comply and follow the rules, resulted in lag of information, unreasonable walk over game, fighting, stop and leave during game running, challenging organizer final decision, may result in deposit forfeit and the team will not be allowed to continue the rest of the game in this championship.
  2. Any false information regarding player qualification may result in full deposit forfeit: Example: More than One qualify state player in team, if were found out by the organizer, will forfeit the team qualification)
  3. Substitution of team players should notify organizer before first match start, after first match, changing of any players will not be attended.
  4. All players must submit photo. (Digital form acceptable.)
  5. Entry fees and deposit shall be submitted before due date. Any submitting after due date will not be attend.
  6. Any accident or injury that happen throughout the competition, organizer will not take any responsibility and attend any claims.
  7. Organizer does not provide any third party insurance for this championship.
  8. In the event of not enough team taking part to form a group in competition, all fee that already collected will be return.
  9. Organizer remains the right to revise or make any future changers throughout the championship.

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