Wednesday 8 July 2015

Training Drills: Effective Basketball Rebounding Drills

While not always glamorous, rebounding is truly one of the most important foundations to basketball success. Although height and jumping ability help, there is no substitute for proper technique, grit and determination under the boards.

With all those bodies in the paint, it can’t tell a push from a pull. The best way to ensure that you end up with that rebound, is to rebound strongly. And how to train your body and reaction to be fast enough to get the rebound? This drill is simple yet effective, which is the jumping jacks.

Jumping Jacks

The best is to do train with your teammates. Not saying that you can’t do it alone but you will get tired after a few jump. To start, have you and your teammates need to form two lines facing the baseline, each a couple of feet away from the basket.

Then, and you can have the lines go two at a time, tell them to throw the ball up high off the backboard, take a step and gather themselves, and jump as high as they can to secure the ball safely with two hands. They should then pass the ball to the next player and go to the back of the line.

Once you and your teammates are comfortable with the drill, back the line up a little bit. Your teammate at the front of the line will do the same thing, throw it off the backboard and go get it, but now, you act as the 2nd player in the line is going to go over his back and attempt to steal the rebound from him. While some light contact is okay, to prevent injury make sure to keep it safe.

After Rebound, Next?

After get a rebound, another important things is to ensure the ball not getting steal from your graps. You need to squeeze the ball underneath your chin as soon as you grab it, and to come down with a solid, wide base. You already had your rebound strong, then finish the jump with the stronger landing and ball graps!

Another secret to dominate your opponent in paint is to box-out them. I will share the topic with you in the future article.

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